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Lynn Spencer - All About Romance

I'm one of the publishers of All About Romance. I love reading romance, as well as mysteries, fantasy, history and historical fiction, and all kinds of other things. Staying on Goodreads for now but trying this out in case I decide to switch.

Currently reading

The Blood Detective
Dan Waddell
Vienna Waltz
Teresa Grant

Review - Body Double

Body Double - Tess Gerritsen

When the book opened with Maura Isles coming home from a trip to discover that a woman who looks just like her has been killed outside her home, I'll admit that I didn't have the highest of hopes for this novel. The premise sounded just a little bit too hokey.

However, the story ended up being well put together, and I enjoyed the wild journey on which Gerritsen takes readers. I don't want to provide too much of a summary because part of what makes this book work lies in the many twists and turns of the story. I guessed some of what would unfold, but there were definitely some curveballs in there.

If you need to have tons of realism in your suspense reading, this might not be the book for you. However, if you can suspend some disbelief, this one just might keep you up late to read it all in one sitting.