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Lynn Spencer - All About Romance

I'm one of the publishers of All About Romance. I love reading romance, as well as mysteries, fantasy, history and historical fiction, and all kinds of other things. Staying on Goodreads for now but trying this out in case I decide to switch.

Currently reading

The Blood Detective
Dan Waddell
Vienna Waltz
Teresa Grant
The Sleeping Night - Barbara Samuel Starcrossed lovers show up often enough in romance, but rarely with such convincing emotion as in The Sleeping Night. Barbara Samuel's tale of an interracial couple in postwar Texas takes readers through a rollercoaster of emotion as we see her characters dealing with love, loss, and poisonous bigotry. I felt absolutely wrung out after reading this book, and I was in awe of the author's ability to create a story that made the reader feel so deeply invested in the central couple. This is a partial review. My complete DIK review is on All About Romance: http://www.likesbooks.com/cgi-bin/bookReview.pl?BookReviewId=9114