27 Following

Lynn Spencer - All About Romance

I'm one of the publishers of All About Romance. I love reading romance, as well as mysteries, fantasy, history and historical fiction, and all kinds of other things. Staying on Goodreads for now but trying this out in case I decide to switch.

Currently reading

The Blood Detective
Dan Waddell
Vienna Waltz
Teresa Grant
Wings of the Falcon - Barbara Michaels The combination of Italian history (this one is set during the Italian Unification) and old-school gothic was just irresistible for me. And since it's Barbara Michaels, she may use some of the traditional gothic touches, such as dashing men, creepy old houses and the like, but she's very smart about it and at times, there's a bit of a twist. This isn't my very favorite of her books, but it's definitely on the shortlist.